Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Busy Week...

So it has been a very busy, very hot week.  We have our CO visit this week which means tons of extra meetings and service time.  The brother and his wife are actually from Milwaukee, so they were happy to see another Wisconsinite here, and will be joining us at our family's home for lunch tomorrow. Last night we had our pioneer meeting with all 30 pioneers, counting Brandon and myself, and then one sister who is auxiliary pioneering.  Even in Sign Language we never had that many pioneers!!! It is almost like the entire congregation is pioneering because there are only 18 publishers besides all of us.  There has also been some great service support this week and some good experiences. In the morning Brandon and I both met women who greatly appreciated that we visited them and shared a scripture, took the tracts we offered, and asked us to come back to share more with them.  It was great!!!! In the afternoon we ended up doing return visits in a different part of the city, and as you can see the car was a little crowded (yes there are 6 of us in a car that snugly fits 4).

The only strange thing about service here is that we travel is a mass hoard. You know how is the States we don't like looking like a swarm of locusts in a neighborhood? Not the case here.  We always seem to be this big pack traveling through the area, but nobody bats an eye so I am guessing it is the norm.

We ended up taking a bit of a holiday this past weekend because the congregation had their district convention.  Not only was it in Spanish, because there are not enough English congregations in the are to support an English one, but it was also last's year convention in the States.  We ended up just hitting the beach and enjoying some parts of the city we haven't been to yet, so it was very nice to relax before this week of extra activity. The waves are huge, and our other room mate, Justin from California, is hoping to take his underwater camera out into them, because photos just don't capture them. Also, I am proud to say, Brandon and I can venture out by ourselves because we now know the bus route home :) Nothing else riveting I can think of now, so I will catch you all later!


  1. How's the weather there? I remember loving being in a car for service but then really hating how my skin was sticking to the other person's skin (when packed with 6-7 individuals in a 4 person size car). No one in the photo looks sweaty and gross so that's a plus! I was happy to hear that you two can venture out now by yourselves! Please do that AS OFTEN as you possibly can!!! Does the CA brother know his way around too pretty well? Maybe he can help!

  2. Looks like you are there at the perfect time for spiritual extra fun and fun in the sun! What part of California is Justin from? Love the experiences and I share them with many. How is your Spanish Brandon ? Everyone in CA is asking about you and happy for your experience. Xoxo

  3. It looks like your having sooo much fun and many wonderful experiences!!! I'm only slightly jealous that your serving in a foreign country. ;) Not much to report from WI except we have snow finally. Keep blogging.

  4. That sounds fantastic! Great experiences, that's awesome. And you have no idea how jealous I am of the beach. No idea.

  5. Love the comment about heading out in a mass herd of people for the ministry. That's how the ministry is done here as well, I think it is the latin american influence. One sister described it as the fact that they know for sure you aren't politically or governmentally involved if you stay together in a larger group. I find if we do spread out most won't answer their door. What beautiful experiences you are all having. So proud of you!
